只是如經上所記:“神為愛祂的人所豫備的,是眼睛未曾看見,耳朵未曾聽見,人心也未曾想到的。” (林前 2章9節)
With the above footnote, I am expanding my previous lines to be:
操練良心, 接受神的規範; 聽祂, 駐留在神的光照下.
操練直覺, 接受神的引導; 跟祂, 行走在神的平安中.
操練交通, 與神聯結調和; 愛祂, 沉浸在神的恩典裡.
如此的操練會帶進魂的新陳代謝 (彼得前書一9), 就是:
心思得更新變化, 思念神所思念的.
心情得調整平衡, 感覺神所感覺的.
心志得軟化順服, 選擇神所選擇的.
Sent: Tuesday, July 5, 2011 9:45 AM
Subject: A simple sentence of 3 words
God's eternal economy comes down to this sentence of 3 words: I am sorry.
God is Spirit, and those who worship God must worship in spirit and truthfulness. (John 4:24) The leading part of our spirit is conscience, so the real exercise of our human spirit is to take care of our conscience. As the Spirit enlightens us and exposes our mistakes, we cooperate with Him by saying to one another: "I am sorry." (John 16:8)
This is the real worship of God because it builds up the Body of Christ. This is the expression of God's nature in the new man, which is the opposite of our fallen nature in the old man. (Colossians 3:8-10) As we take care of our conscience, the flow of the living water will continue flowing within us.
不怕會犯錯, 就怕不認錯;
不怕會失敗, 就怕神不在.
操練良心, 接受神的規範;
操練直覺, 接受神的引導;
操練交通, 與神聯結調和.
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