Monday, December 24, 2012

Dog Whisperer

Just watch the first 15 min of the following program to see how a dog whisperer transformed a misbehaving dog in just one short session.

This dog (Kobe) lost one eye in an accident 5 years ago.  Then Kobe became a BAD dog threatening the entire neighborhood.  The Hoffman family has been under this dark cloud for 5 years.  See how the entire situation was changed almost immediately.

Have you learned something?

When a dog is lacking security, its outward expression would be either barking aggressively or withdrawing.  The owner's love is NOT sufficient in this case.  What the dog needs is feeling "under authority" and trust, which is the source of security.

This principle is quite applicable to us.  Why are we so reactive and anxious?  Because we are not under the Head practically.  When situations come upon us, we naturally take things into our own hands.  As a result, we become anxious, aggressive and even out of control.  But when we turn to the Lord and receive Him into our "boat", we experience calm and peace, knowing that He is the Lord.  Indeed, He is our Head and our Center (Colossians 1:18).

This principle is also quite applicable to raising our next generation.  When there is no organic authority and trust in a family, kids go wild.  Keep in mind that love alone is NOT sufficient.  The source of organic authority and trust comes from the parents who practically submit themselves to the Head (Matthew 8:9). 

Authority does NOT mean overpowering people or lording them over (1 Peter 5:3).  The real authority comes from the Lord.  We need to become a pattern of following the Lord, taking Him as the unique Head.  As we follow the Lord, His authority will come with us.  We are taking the lead to follow the Lord.  The real shepherding is to bring people under His Headship.

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